Denne TestoGen gennemgang afslører de fordele og ulemper ved TestoGen tillæg og forklarer, hvordan produktet fungerer, så du kan træffe en informeret beslutning om at købe det eller ej.
Der er denne uskreven regel, at testosteron altid er tæt forbundet med mandighed.
Jo mere testosteron, du har, jo mere mandig du får.
Det er ikke svært at komme til en sådan konklusion, når du ved, at testosteron er det, der gør din stemme dybere, din ”manddom” større, og dine muskler og knogler stærkere.
Men som du bliver ældre, din krop begynder at producere mindre og mindre af det.
Dette forårsager ”off” dage, hvor du er simpelthen ude af fokus, fysisk drænet, mindre konkurrencedygtige og endnu mindre interesseret i sex. Det er forventet, når du har mindre af noget, der påvirker din stolthed.
Det er derfor, der er Testogen fra at hjælpe dig øge din testosteron niveauer til at give dig din kant tilbage og gendanne din iver.
Table of Contents
TestoGen Oversigt
For startere, er det ikke et steroid . Der er så mange ting, der lyder galt med dette ord.
Ting som forhøjet hjerte-rate, allergier, bivirkninger og endda udbrud.
Og Testogen giver dig ingen af disse, fordi det er et supplement; ikke et steroid.
Du vil også være forkert at tro, at Testogen er testosteron i en kapsel. Der er intet som det i det.
Hvad det gør, er det revitaliserer din krop til at skabe mere af de gode ting. Tænk på det som en nulstilling-knap til din krops alder-genkendelse.
Det vil tvinge din krop til at tro, at du stadig er i din 20 s, narre den til at producere mere testosteron for dig.
The Hard Science
Fordi det betragtes som den mandlige hormon er testosteron produceres i testiklerne.
Det hjælper i produktion af sæd og andre funktioner, såsom produktionen af røde blodlegemer og muskelmasse. Den bidrager også til en mands sexlyst.
Når frigives til blodbanen, er testosteron bruges af kroppen til produktion af andre hormoner og enzymer, der bidrager til muskelvækst, knogletæthed og libido.
Hvad der er tilbage af din produktion er, hvad der holder dig op og går på det.
Det er produceret i overflod i puberteten, hvor drenge overgangen til voksenalderen. Men med passerer tid, kroppen producerer mindre, og i de fleste tilfælde, ikke nok.
Du ved du oplever et fald i testosteron produktionen når følgende ting ske:
- Træthed
- Nedgang i kroppen hårvækst
- Humørsvingninger
- mindre erektioner
- Lavere kognitiv kapacitet
- Stigning i abdominal fedt
Normale T-niveauer findes inden for grænserne for 270 til 1070 ng / dl.
Du topper dette produktionsniveau med den tid, du rammer 20, som begynder at falde langsomt efter.
Det er derfor, du er så fuld af energi og lyst til sex under din 20’erne som pludselig forsvinder på et bestemt punkt.
Når du går forbi 30, vil din krop begynde at producere 1% mindre af din sædvanlige testosteron beløb hvert år.
Overvej det en uønsket gave til din fødselsdag. Men det betyder ikke, du er nødt til at leve med det.
Sådan Raise Testosteron
Udover TestoGen og andre naturlige testosteron kosttilskud, er der andre måder med til at medbringe dit niveauer op til en god højdepunkt.
Nogle af disse metoder omfatter steroider og faktiske oral testosteron. Og selv om disse metoder er acceptable, deres effektivitet er tvivlsom.
Når du tager testosteron oralt, du er ikke at drage fuld fordel af hormonet. Dette skyldes, at din lever vil nedbryde hormonet og bruge den til andre formål i stedet for at puste nyt liv i din krop.
Ved den tid, din lever er færdig med din mundtlige testosteron, vil der være en ubetydelig mængde det tilbage i dit system.
På den anden side, steroider giver en mere kraftfuld tilgang til at øge din krop, men med utilsigtede bivirkninger.
Og selv, før du kan få dine hænder på et godt brand, ville du stadig nødt til at konsultere din læge for at være sikker på, at dit brand er den rigtige for dig.
Naturlige testosteron boostere arbejde anderledes. I stedet for at give dig direkte testosteron, disse boostere forbedre kroppens evne til at producere det.
Det betyder, at du åbner op, at foråret ungdommen du engang havde. Det er som at åbne op en brønd i din krop i stedet for at købe vand fra en kilde.
Testogen Ingredients
In order to evaluate the effectiveness of this product, we will have to take a deeper look into what is actually inside Testogen and why the ingredients are the go-to ingredients for so many natural testosterone boosters.
D-aspartic acid
D-aspartic acid (DAA) is a nonessential amino acid. Nonessential amino acids are amino acids which the body produces naturally. Even though the body produces D-aspartic acid, it only produces it in small amounts and supplementing with it results in many health benefits.
The main role that D-aspartic acid plays in the body is regulating the production of hormones, therefore, DAA regulates testosterone production. This is especially important in ageing males. As men age, testosterone levels naturally decrease which is the reason why DAA is a great supplement. The increase in DAA gives the body exactly what it needs to get the testosterone levels up and firing again.
DAA is an ideal supplement for athletes and men over the age of 30. Its positive effect of increasing testosterone levels makes it clear why DAA is a key ingredient in many all-natural testosterone boosters. Supplementing with DAA to increase testosterone levels will result in more lean muscle mass, a higher sperm count, and more energy in individuals who suffer from low testosterone.
Tribulus Terrestris
Tribulus Terrestris may sound like a spell out of Harry Potter, but it is actually a plant and its extract is used as a natural testosterone booster. Tribulus Terrestris touts benefits such as increased libido and maintenance of hormone levels.
Tribulus Terrestris not only maintains hormone levels, it plays an important role in returning out of balance hormones to normal. The regulation of hormones also has added benefits which include relieving symptoms of depression and aids in controlling mood swings.
While the studies of the effect Tribulus Terrestris has on humans is limited, the tests performed on rats showed a significant increase in testosterone levels.
Ginseng is one of the most well researched herbs and men around the world swear by its effectiveness.
Ginseng is known for increasing the libido and combats erectile dysfunction. An erection naturally increases the testosterone levels in a man’s body. Therefore, ginseng has an indirect, yet significant, effect on testosterone levels.
Ginseng relieves symptoms of low testosterone levels and aids in the production of testosterone.
Fenugreek is a seed which is commonly used it cooking. Studies have been performed which revealed fenugreek’s ability to maintain healthy testosterone levels.
Men who have taken fenugreek extract have reported that it improves their libido and they reported that they had more muscle mass and felt stronger overall.
Fenugreek is most effective when taken in combination with a mineral like Zinc. On the contrary, zinc can be taken as a supplement on its own to improve testosterone levels and sperm count. Zinc is particularly effective in increasing testosterone levels in individuals who are deficient in zinc.
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 is directly linked to testosterone levels in two ways.
Research has proven that vitamin B6 is an essential vitamin when it comes to the binding and activation of the testosterone hormone. Vitamin B6 plays a vital role in the breakdown and protein synthesis of numerous proteins and amino acids. The vitamin activates the cell receptors which are responsible for the absorption of these proteins, amino acids, and the testosterone hormone. This means that low B6 levels inhibits the absorption of testosterone, which results in the body becoming deficient in the hormone.
An increase in B6 levels allows for the body to benefit from all of the testosterone available in the system. Vitamin B6 is also directly related to the synthesis of testosterone and low vitamin B6 levels show a direct link to a drop of testosterone levels.
Vitamin B2
Vitamin B2 deficiency leads to many symptoms of low testosterone levels which includes fatigue, loss of libido, and deterioration of general health.
Vitamin B2 is directly linked to the production of testosterone because it is an essential nutrient required to produce the hormone.
Vitamin B2 is responsible for converting testosterone into a more potent androgen which is known as dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This hormone is of vital importance for keeping the male body functioning at its prime level at all times – no wonder this vitamin is popular in natural testosterone boosters.
Vitamin B5
Vitamin B5 has a less direct effect on testosterone levels but, nevertheless, it plays a pivotal role in sparking the production of testosterone levels.
The secret is in the fact that vitamin B5 is a key element in the production of red blood cells. Red blood cells are responsible for carrying oxygen through the body and the more red blood cells in the body, the more oxygen the cells receive.
When there is more oxygen available in the body, the individual is able to train harder for longer. Training naturally increases the testosterone levels in the body and the harder you train; the more testosterone is produced.
This is a win-win because being able to train harder and increasing testosterone levels both result in more muscle mass and strength. Supplementing with vitamin B5 will help you to see results in the gym much faster.
Vitamin D3
Vitamin D3 slows down the process of testosterone being converted into oestrogen. This results in more testosterone being available in the system at a specific point in time.
This property is great when used in combination with other testosterone producing ingredients because it allows the body to benefit from the extra testosterone for longer.
All of these ingredients are 100% natural ingredients that are guaranteed to increase testosterone levels in the body and rid an individual of any symptoms linked to low testosterone levels.
How TestoGen Works
What TestoGen review would be complete without a full rundown of how it works?
When you take TestoGen, your body is subjected to various natural ingredients that boost its capacity to create more testosterone.
Think of it as giving your marble sac a little help along the way.
The biggest thing you’ll notice about TestoGen is that it has Ginseng. Even the name of this root extract is manly.
It’s synonymous with many performance-enhancing substances that are designed to help you in non-sleeping activities done in the bedroom. It’s considered as an aphrodisiac. And that means it puts you in an active mental and physical state.
You’re also getting a dose of the “Devil’s Claw” in each capsule of TestoGen. This is also known as Tribulus Terrestritis.
This is a herb that has been a part of ancient Chinese male-enhancing medication for years. It helps your body build muscle tissue in exchange for fat.
Another herb you’ll find in TestoGen is Fenugreek. The seeds of this herb have been known to help increase your stamina and strength to help you work through the day, no matter what you’re doing.
On top of helping you last longer in bed, it will also help you last longer in life because it also contains powerful anti-oxidants that prevent faster aging.
Besides these interesting ingredients, you’ll have a nice mix of essential vitamins and minerals that you can find in most food supplements to help you get a full-rounded approach to boosting your Testosterone levels.
Other TestoGen reviews consider this product as a safe and natural way to reinvigorate your production levels without the nasty side-effects.
How it Stacks Against the Competition
If you’ve been in the boosting circuit for quite some time already, the name TestoFuel and Prime Male might have come along your way.
For the largest part of 2014, these two supplements have been duking it out for the top spot on the food chain.
When TestoGen came from out of nowhere in December of 2014, it changed the game completely, robbing the current contenders of all chances for supremacy.
But you already know you need numbers to prove a claim like that. And TestoGen doesn’t disappoint in that regard either.
In terms of price, you’re getting a better deal. You save as little as $14 if you buy a month’s supply of TestoGen compared to TestoFuel and as much as $171 if you buy half a year’s worth of supplements. But that’s not where the numbers war ends.
Other testosterone booster reviews can only boast of one main ingredient that helps improve your testosterone production.
With TestoGen, you get more than one. You get a whopping 300mg of Tribulus Terrestris. You get barely 150mg of that stuff in others. It’s even absent in TestoFuel.
And with Ginseng and Fenugreek to back it up, you’re looking at an explosion in your usable Testosterone levels.
These figures alone make TestoGen the best testosterone booster you can find.
TestoGen Reviews
The majority of TestoGen reviews that we have seen so far are quite impressive. One actual user even reviewed it with photos of himself before and after the whole process of him taking the supplement. The changes were very visible, with muscles that look stronger and leaner in just a matter of a few weeks.
Testogen was a great experience and still continue to use it. After a few weeks I experienced improvements in both energy levels and my libido. I experienced no side effects and was very happy with my choice of testosterone pills.
There are also reviews that have noted positive changes with their energy, libido, stamina and also sexual performance. The results are favorable and you can see that the users are very much satisfied with the product.
Who should use Testogen … And who should NOT:
Testogen is easy to use. Unlike some “legal steroid” stacks, you don’t need to be an experienced bodybuilder to use this conveniently. If you are under 25, you should try basic muscle builders like creatine if that is your goal, and you have not tried yet.
Where to Buy
The best way to get your hands on this supplement is to order directly from the supplier site below.
Along with promotional offers and discounts, you’ll also find a wealth of information on testosterone and what it can do for you.
You’ll also be pleased to know that they’re offering a +2 promotion for every 3 bottles you get. And that’s not where the good news ends.
On top of their offers and the effects that lie in wait for you, the company behind TestoGen also offers a 60 day money back guarantee.
Very few companies can go the distance for their products. So when you see something that’s so trusted that you can try it for free on a 3 month basis, you know there’s got to be something good about it.
The Final Verdict of Testogen Review
If you’ve had your share of defective products and unwanted side-effects from supplements and steroids alike, then your search ends here.
TestoGen offers you the chance to experience its’ amazing effects that are sure to show you improvements in less than three months or else you get your money back.
If you’re worried about side effects, there haven’t been any studies that have shown this specific product to have caused any unwanted effects.
But there have been hundreds of studies that point out to the benefits of natural food supplements and how well they work.
And TestoGen is one of the best in the market.
Because of that, this TestoGen review nets a 9 out of 10. It’s certainly a must-try for those of you who are going through your own “off” periods wherein you are already questioning why you get out of bed in the morning.
It’s for those who have lost their thunder and want it back, stronger and even better than what you remember it to be.
It will re-awaken your sleeping production and get you back on track inside and outside the bedroom. You will literally feel like a brand new man.
click here to claim your Testogen special price »
Zahra Thunzira is a Jakarta-based nutritionist and gym instructor. She’s also an adventure travel, fitness, and health writer for several blogs and websites. She earned her Master degree in Public Health from University of Indonesia.